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[Job openings] Theoretical postdoctoral position for ultrafast nonlinear spectroscopy in solids

관리자 2020-05-27 10:35:54 조회수 7,412

■ Job title

    : Theoretical postdoctoral position for ultrafast nonlinear spectroscopy in solids Center for Attosecond Science and Technology

      Max Planck POSTECH, Research Initiative, Korea and Max Planck Institute for Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Germany

■ Vision 

    : The Center for Attosecond Science and Technology of Max Planck POSTECH/Korea research initiative (MPK, Prof. Dong Eon Kim's group) and 

      Max Planck Institute for Structure and Dynamics of Matter (MPSD, Prof. A. Rubio's group) aim to investigate ultrafast phenomenon in nature, 

      i.e. electron dynamics at its natural time scale. 

      Our MPK-MPSD collaboration is specially interested in developing and using novel theoretical ultrafast tools to investigate the sub-femtosecond dynamics and

      manipulation induced by ultrashort strong laser field in solids.

■ What you will do 

    : In this context, MPK and MPSD are seeking an outstanding postdoctoral candidate to conduct theoretical research in ultra fast processes in

      condensed-matter physics closely collaborating with our current and future experimental efforts. 

      The successful candidate will focus on developing and validating new theoretical tools, both analytically and numerically, to describe the nonlinear light 

      emission from solids and dynamical change of material properties.

      We will perform ultrafast dynamics calculations in 2D materials, i.e. topological insulators and Weyl-Dirac Semimetals. 

      This position provides a unique opportunity to pursue fundamental studies in the emerging area of ultrafast condensed-matter physics in close collaboration 

      with experimental and theoretical groups at POSTECH and MPSD, as well as other top research groups and institutions, i.e. Institute of Photonic Sciences 

      (ICFO-Spain), and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL-USA). 

      A successful candidate will be appointed as a researcher of MPK, and will be dispatched to and stay at the Max Planck Institute for Structure and Dynamics of 

      Matter (Hamburg, Germany) with a possibility of visits to MPK for short periods. 

      The initial appointment is for one year and continuation for longer period will be based on mutual agreement.

■ Job Requirements 

   ​- A PhD in Physics, (Condensed-Matter or Quantum Optics) Computer Sciences or related field.

   ​- Updated CV and list of publications. 

   ​- Cover letter or statement of research achievements in the past with future perspectives 

   ​- Two letters of recommendation

   ​- Experience with ab-initio calculations of electronic structures of solids using Vienna ab-initio simulation package (VASP) or an equivalent, 

      as QUANTUM ESPRESSO and tight binding models is desirable.

   ​- Experience in computer programming using C/C++, FORTRAN, Python, Mathematica or Matlab is highly desirable. 

      The candidate may want to manage parallelized schemes such as Message Passage Interface and OpenMP or work with HCP.

   ​- Excellent communication skills, especially in writing original scientific research through peer-reviewed publications.


For more information, please contact Dr. A. Chacon (ftachacon@gmail.com)

on half of Prof. Dong Eon Kim (kimd@postech.ac.kr) and Prof. Angel Rubio (angel.rubio@mpsd.mpg.de)

